In 2008 I sat through an entire legislative session, got a new car, ended a lengthy relationship, got a little better at bass, rekindled an important old friendship, realized how crappy being single can be, got a dental implant, realized how nice being single can be, had the most carefree summer since my youth, became proficient at removing teeth from dead deer, gained a tiny bit more responsibility in my job, served on three jury panels and lost just over 30 pounds.
To celebrate the year that has passed, check out this great series of 2008 photographs from Boston.com (from which the heading image of this post was taken).
2008 in Pictures, Part I
2008 in Pictures, Part II
2008 in Pictures, Part III

1. Photo by REUTERS/David Gray, taken from Boston.com
2. Photo by Carlos Gutierrez, taken from Boston.com
30 pounds?? danny boy, where did you lose it from? you were a twig to begin with!
oh btw it's carissa lol
haha trust me it was there.
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